
Why I Like Seniornet North Shore
It lets me keep abreast of technology
They are a group of friendly like-minded people
I enjoy the social relaxed atmosphere of classes
It has increased my knowledge and companionship
They have good facilities & equipment.
It is accessible to public transport – ground floor rooms - no stairs
I am able to use up-to-date computers and software
They have an affordable low cost annual fee
Lessons and sessions are very low cost and affordable
I can get one-to-one tuition if required
They have great guest speakers on a variety of interesting subjects
Help always available, one only has to ask.
I find the sharing of knowledge between members invaluable
It’s FUN
The club is welcoming and the friendships I’ve made have been great
They provide learning in a non-threatening environment
There is always delightful interaction among members at sessions
It’s nice to be able to pick and choose a schedule that suits me
They are always willing to help beginners
There is a tremendous variety of subjects
Very friendly members with a well-developed sense of humour
It has an awesome genealogy group with expert help
I have been able to improve my ability to search the Internet
It keeps my brain active!
About Us
The object of SeniorNet is to enable people over the age of 50 to use computers. Classes are held so people experience hands-on tuition in basic to advanced skills, also popular are discussion groups.
SeniorNet NS Tutors are all members and are therefore sympathetic to the needs of their fellow members. Classes, Tutorials & Discussions are 2 hours long and start either at 10am or 1:00pm, (with a coffee/tea/biscuit break) Mondays to Fridays. We do not have evening or weekend classes.
On the second Sunday of the month, from 10am to noon, there is a general meeting for all members. We usually have a speaker on computer related topics. Refreshments are always available. Gold coin donation appreciated. SeniorNet NS produces a monthly newsletter which is emailed out to members about a week before the relevant month.
The newsletter contains information catering for all levels of experience. A schedule of the coming Classes, Tutorials and Discussion Groups is also included.
Members are encouraged to contribute articles if they so wish. For a membership fee of $35 yearly (single) or $50 (double) you receive:
Monthly access to over twenty 2 hour discussion groups, and hands on tutorials for between $3 and $6, with other course options available.
Continual access to experienced people in most fields.
A monthly newsletter with helpful hints and web links.
Social enjoyment and mutual learning in a relaxed, informal environment.