Need A New Hip? AI can help make it now!
A company using AI to pre-judge the size and orientation of hip replacements was among the winners at the Hi-Tech Awards. Formus Labs,...

Your EV Is Hackable!
The Genesis Climate Change Hub reports that hacking is a new phenomenon coinciding with the growth in ownership of EVs. Last year, in the...

Air Travel Planned?
Whether you are planning any domestic flights or overseas trips it may pay to be aware of rules regarding placing tags or trackers on...

For those of you who are dedicated Apple fans and own an iPod, look after it as you will not be able to replace it with a new one. Apple...

A Cheaper EV For You?
Are you put off from buying an electric car because of the cost and because of the time needed to charge the batteries, not to mention...

Beware the cheap cellphone
The following article is from our well respected organisation, Consumer. Low priced smartphones Sure, they’re cheap, but they’re cheap...

i-phone or Android?
If you ask someone with an i-phone why iOS rather than Android, they will tell you that it is by far the best. Ask an Android phone user...

Vaccine Surprise!
Well, it was a surprise to me when I found out. I remember being advised many, many years ago that if I was having a tendency to...

Jabbering on!
At the time of writing we have here in Auckland been in lockdown for nearly 70 consecutive days. And of course we have been in a number...

Pollution-eating car
Jane Wakefield, Technology reporter for the BBC reports that a car that has been designed to strip the air of pollution as it drives...