We're not the worst after all!
New Zealanders are the most targeted in the world when it comes to tech support scams, according to a new study from Microsoft. More than...

e-sim technology not wanted but for how long?
Spark, Vodafone and 2degrees aren't supporting the "e-sim" technology embraced by Apple's latest products - and a consumer advocate says...

Farewell Windows 7
Microsoft has always described Windows 10 “as a service” and leaks have already revealed new monthly charges are coming. Of course, for...

Mother Bored?
Sorry that should read Motherboard! What is a motherboard? No, it is not a misspelling of a description of a mother wondering how she...

This May Make you Feel Blue!
Many of us know that we shouldn't check our electronic devices in bed because the light emitted from the screen can disrupt our sleep....

Big Brother Is Watching You!
When you are browsing a website and the mouse cursor disappears, it might be a computer glitch — or it might be a deliberate test to find...

Are you looking for a new friend?
Personal home robots that can socialise with people are starting to roll out of the laboratory and into our living rooms and kitchens....

WhatsApp or more to the point, "What's Up?"
Do you use WhatsApp to communicate with friends, family or groups? If so, the following will no doubt be of interest to you. A...

Are You About To Lose Control?
For over 30 years, we’ve thought of PCs primarily as Windows machines, which we owned and controlled. That’s about to change forever.This...

Google Translate
Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai has revealed an intriguing piece of information that hints at the translation product’s money-making...