Our Monthly Meetings
Monthly meetings are held in the hall at 10 am on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Come along and listen to some interesting speakers. Gold coin donation appreciated and everyone is welcome. We provide free refreshments at all Discussion Groups, Tutorials and monthly Sunday meetings. Please wear your name tag to all sessions so we know who you are.
Session Times
AM sessions 10:00am to 12:00 noon
PM sessions 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Our Schedule
We have a diverse schedule of events, tutorials and discussion groups planned every month.
Click anywhere on schedule to download a copy for viewing or printing

How To Book A Class
Check out the TUTORIALS tab and select a topic which appeals to you.
Look at the Schedule below to see whether it is a Tutorial or Discussion Group.
T's & D's
FIRST email or phone tutor at least a week ahead
Pay $5 at the door
Just turn up! All welcome
Pay $3 at door